Our services

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your business thrive.

Management Services

One of the most frequent types of consulting is management consulting, which is utilized in practically every industry. These consultants support the leadership of teams, critical decision-making, and the creation of attainable goals for their organization by executives, managers, and other high-level administrators. Services provided by management consultants include organizational development, strategic planning, leadership development, and business process improvement.

Improve Efficiency in Office Management.

Our expert assists you in determining how to perform more effectively and efficiently using the resources at hand. Inefficient businesses are likely to lose their competitive edge and pass on lucrative sales possibilities. Efficiency may be improved by being aware of workplace efficiency and adopting proactive measures to decrease workplace inefficiencies. Key tactics that can increase workplace effectiveness are shared, and several efficiency types are explored.

Studying and evaluating business efficiency to determine how well a firm uses its resources—such as labor, capital, and materials—to achieve the intended result, be it a product, a service, or income.

Government Relation Services

Our consultants start by comprehending the issue. An examination of case histories, data analysis, and procedure evaluation may be part of this. After the research phase is finished, consultations concentrate on prospective solutions while taking the organization's character, mission, and relationships into consideration. The consultants provide a plan of action, which may include a solution.

Human Resources Services

Managing challenges in human resources. Expert resource consultants and process/people consultants are the two general categories that HR consultants belong to.

Skilled resource consultants make and implement recommendations based on their in-depth knowledge of the problem. By implementing techniques to enhance creativity, people and process consultants assist businesses in helping clients come up with their answers to challenges.

Consultants in people and processes would lead that company through an organizational transition while letting it choose the right remuneration levels on its own during that process.

Learning and Development

The abilities that will be most in demand in 2030 include creativity, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving. However, employees also require significantly improved digital, technical, managerial, and cultural competencies to adapt to the new work environment that is evolving.

Developmental learning (L&D)

Current globalization, significant population changes, technological advancements, and new regulations are all shaping the future of employment.

Organizations must be flexible and nimble to obtain and keep a competitive edge. They must deal with disruption proactively. And to keep it motivated and prepared for the future, they must take into account their personnel as a component of a comprehensive company plan.

We have created a specific approach for assessing, locating, and addressing the fundamental reasons for insufficient learning. We can utilize this information, together with our in-depth knowledge of current L&D strategies and their inadequacies, to assist your company in creating a unified learning and development plan that benefits your staff.

Knowledge management growth and organizational learning

Organizations must concentrate on building their underlying knowledge management infrastructure (systems, rules, and procedures) to maximize their knowledge assets, as well as on fostering a culture that supports efficient knowledge generation, improvement, sharing, and archiving.

For distributing the appropriate knowledge to the appropriate individuals at the appropriate time, we provide a deliberate knowledge management technique. It enables workers to use internal data more effectively and boost corporate success.

Our technique may improve your employees' organizational learning abilities to the fullest extent possible when it is in line with your company's unique strategy, standards, and rules.

Organizational Development Services

A process called organizational development (OD) aids businesses in identifying and implementing improvements that increase their performance. Our consultants review business management, examine workplace culture, and create employee programs using information from that study. They have experience measuring and understanding human behavior.

Additionally, it considers the company's identity and culture, including everything from the goal statement to the business plan. Operations, leadership ability, and communication are all evaluated. A consultant could put a lot of emphasis on managing the workforce. The consultant offers the research's conclusions, which are based on data from surveys, interviews, and other sources.

Marketing Services

A marketing consultant gives clients recommendations on marketing and advertising tactics for a particular aspect of the business, like a brand or items. Brand consultants do a variety of tasks, such as evaluating the efficacy of previous and current marketing tactics and creating digital marketing campaigns. advertising services Developing marketing strategies, branding, and planning new strategies for businesses.

Customer Relationship Management Services

We can assist with One of your methods and a worthwhile objective is to increase the effectiveness of your customer relationship management workflows. It is a must for businesses in the competitive markets of today. You must thus be aware of what you will need to manage all contacts with clients on the outside.

Keep in mind that your marketing department initiates the customer relationship management life cycle, which concludes with sales and marketing. When that happens, our consultant may assist with upselling and keeping the relationship with your customer strong.

Pre-Contract Services

Contract Agreement Terms and Conditions

Examining the contract arrangements and preparing the bill of quantities with clear headings for better structure.

  • Before signing the contract, advise and comment on the risks associated with the terms and conditions of the contract to protect the interests and contractual rights of the customer-contractor, subcontractor, and third parties and to reduce the likelihood of disputes and the use of time-consuming dispute resolution procedures.

  • Advising the customers on the contractual actions to be taken in the post-contract stage in matters related to the submission of timely contractual notifications, variation claims, time claims, disruption claims, prolongation costs, and other claims, and activating the appropriate contractual remedies in the event of payment delays, mainly to prevent the customer from getting exposed to the damages and other consequential losses associated with the project delays that the customer clients shall impose.

  • Drafting of Terms and Conditions for various types of Contract Agreements, such as Contract Agreements between the Employer and the Contractor, Sub-Contract Agreements between the Contractor and the Subcontractor, Partnership Agreements, Consortium Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, etc., as per the Customer Requirements.

  • Drafting of Terms and Conditions for various types of Contract Agreements, such as Contract Agreements between the Employer and the Contractor, Sub-Contract Agreements between the Contractor and the Subcontractor, Partnership Agreements, Consortium Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, etc., as per the Customer Requirements.

    • Preparation of the bill of quantities and the pricing of the bill of quantities.

    • Preparing customized logs related to payments, variations, and formats to conduct reconciliation and internal valuations to suit the customer's needs.

Contract Services

Contract Administration and Claims Management

Asala Alhulul Business Services, with its experienced staff, can advise its customers on the rights and obligations that exist under variation forms of contracts such as FIDIC (Red, Yellow, Orange, Gold, White, JCT, EPC, Bespoke, etc.), mainly to address the contractual and commercial issues that arise during the execution of the contract through effective administration of the contract.

Asala Alhulul Business Services offers contract administration services to the client, the contractor, and the subcontractor. The services include acting as an employer representative, acting as a contractor representative, acting as a subcontractor representative, reviewing contractual correspondence, and preparing contractual counterreplies to safeguard the customer's contractual entitlements. Writing timely Contractual Letters and Notifications, Preparing Time Claims with detailed Particulars, Preparing Disruption Claims and acceleration Claims, Drafting Contract Agreements and Amendments, Preparing the Scope of Work Matrix, Assisting the customers in the negotiations, and advising them to embrace step-by-step negotiation to avoid disputes and amicably resolve the issues in dispute, securing takeover certificates, and ending the Defects Liability Certificates.

Quantity Survey Works

The quantity surveyors of Asala Alhulul Business Services are graduates in civil and mechanical engineering and have the requisite experience to perform and deliver QS works to the utmost satisfaction of the client, the contractor, and the subcontractors.

The QS team of Asala Alhulul Business Services is familiar with AutoCAD Software and has detailed knowledge of the Standard Method of Measurements, International Method of Measurements, POMI, etc.

With the above skills, the QS team can read the contract documents, such as contract agreements, specifications, and other documents forming part of the contract agreement, in a manner to perform the following QS works in line with the above documents.

  • Variations

    • Quantity take-off from the civil and MEP drawings with very high speed and very close to accuracy.

    • Identifying and preparing variation submissions in a format widely accepted in the construction industry.

  •  Valuations

    • Preparing interim and final statements.

    • Preparing Value Engineering Costs.

  • Costs Claims

    • Additional and Prolongation Costs related to the Site Establishment Team, Project Specific Costs, Head Office Overheads, Finance Charges, Loss of Interest, and Loss of Profit

    • Acceleration Costs

    • Disruption Costs and

    • Inflation and Escalation Costs

  • Day Work Schedules

Planning Works

The planners of Asala Alhulul Business Services are mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering graduates who have detailed knowledge of planning software such as MS Office and Primavera and can deliver the following works to the utmost satisfaction of the client, the contractors, and the subcontractors within the desired timelines.

  • The preparation of the baseline program works for civil and MEP works in line with customer needs.

  • Preparation of the revised baseline program to meet the project requirements.

  • Preparation of the updated baseline programs.

  • Preparation of the Impacted Program based on Excusable Delay Events, Non-Excusable Delay Events, and Concurrent Delay Events using the following delay analysis techniques as per the Society of Construction Law Delay and Disruption Protocol.

  • Delay Analysis Techniques

    • As-Planned v As-Built.

    • Impacted As-Planned.

    • Collapsed As-Built and

    • Time Impact Analysis.

Payment Recoveries and Dispute Resolution Methods

Asala Alhulul Business Services staff has post-graduation in Master of Laws - Construction Law and Arbitration and is capable of recovering the monies of its customers from the defaulting parties strategically in line with the terms and conditions of the contract agreement and as per the articles of Saudi Law. The techniques used are as follows:

  • Payment Recoveries

    • Writing strong contractual letters reminds the defaulting parties of the consequences that may result in not honoring the terms and conditions of the contract agreement.

    • Submitting Notification of the Intention to Commence Dispute against the Defaulting Parties and

    • Writing Contractual Letters to the Defaulting Parties to Resolve the Dispute amicably before the commencement of the Dispute Resolution Methods stipulated in the contract, such as Arbitration, Litigation, Conciliation, Negotiation, Step Negotiation, etc.

Dispute Resolution Methods

  • If the customer’s dispute remains unresolved amicably, Asala Alhulul Business Services shall assist the lawyer appointed by the customer in preparing the requisite reports in line with the Rules and Regulations of the Dispute Resolution Methods and as per the requirements of the customer’s advocate to expedite the resolution of the disputes. This service will help the customer minimize the fees that will be expended in hiring the services of the advocate.

  1. In case of Arbitration

  • Asala Alhulul Business Services shall prepare the following if the customer is a claimant:.

    • Submitting the Request for Arbitration, Statement of Claim, Counter Reply to Statement of Defiance, Recitals, and Preparation of Reports during the Arbitration Proceedings and before the award of the dispute, Assisting the lawyers in preparing further reports during the ratification of the award and the execution of the award.

    • Asala Alhulul Business Services shall prepare the counter reports for the claimant if the customer is a defendant.

  1. In the case of litigation, Asala Alhulul Business Services shall prepare the requisite reports as per the requirements of the lawyer appointed by the customer.